Have you ever felt that stirring, the sense that something you’ve been waiting for is about to come to pass? Dr. GreGory’s message, “Once Upon a Time,” was a powerful reminder that God marks specific days, seasons, and years in our lives—and each has its purpose. Reflecting on passages from Genesis 1 and Esther 4, Dr. Pastor showed us how aligning our attitude, faith, and readiness can bring God’s blessings into our current time.
Stepping Into Open Door Season
Dr. GreGory shared a powerful declaration: “I stepped into a season of answered prayers and opened doors.” This season, he explained, is not just about watching doors swing open; it’s about stepping through them with purpose and faith.
When we are fully present in faith, we begin to see the evidence of God’s hand at work. Pastor reminded us that God has the power to make us laugh, just as Sarah laughed when she realized God’s promise was true. “Your faith summons things into time,” he shared, emphasizing that our faith has the power to pull God’s promises from the realm of “someday” into today.
Digging Trenches of Faith
Pastor brought us back to the basics of preparation, comparing our faith to digging trenches. “Just dig the trenches,” he urged, “and the water will be there.” This call to prepare even when we can’t yet see the provision or outcome teaches us that faith is an act, not a wish. Our actions of digging, praying, and believing bring blessings forward in time. It’s open door season, a time to walk boldly toward the future, trusting that God will bring the answers we need.
Letting Go to Become Vessels of God’s Plan
We were also challenged to examine our attitudes. Just as a field must be clear of weeds to yield a good crop, we must clear our hearts of anything that doesn’t align with the Spirit. Pastor referenced the story of famous chef Bobby Flay, a man who saw his dreams realized only after he humbled himself, adjusted his attitude, and became teachable. Flay’s willingness to learn, to empty himself, ultimately filled him with the skills he needed to succeed.
In the same way, God calls us to empty ourselves—to become vessels. God, the Potter, molds us, removing anything that blocks our purpose, refining us so that He can fill us with something new. When we yield to His hands, our “once upon a time” becomes the story of His blessings poured out on us.
Destiny Demands Strategy
Every step of obedience, every moment of humility, every prayer of surrender is part of God’s strategy for us. God doesn’t leave us to figure it out on our own. He gives us His Spirit, a roadmap of His promises, and the faith to move forward. “Bear the fruit of the Spirit,” Dr. GreGory reminded us. This fruit—love, joy, peace, patience—becomes the evidence of our faith and trust in God, transforming our lives and preparing us for all that He has for us.
Mark This Day
Pastor left us with a profound blessing: “May your ‘once upon a time’ be filled with blessings, mark this day.” Our “once upon a time” isn’t just a story of the past; it’s a promise for today and for the future. God has marked the seasons and days of our lives. When we step forward in faith, humbly open to God’s shaping, our days become filled with His divine purpose and unmeasurable blessings.