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Beyond Attendance: Becoming Vessels of Genuine Spiritual Influence

Writer's picture: Hope Assembly Hope Assembly

Sunday's sermon "Why Is This Happening To Me" draws attention to the pivotal role each individual plays within the church community. It highlights the impact of our actions, emphasizing that even one person can spread spiritual disease or positivity. The chilling analogy of being "asymptomatic" in the church – present but silent in our faith – resonated deeply. It's a stark reminder that our conduct, far beyond attendance, speaks volumes. We are called to be vessels, not of disease, but of God's love and grace, emanating it in every interaction, every decision, every smile.

Our conduct within the community matters. The people we encounter in our daily lives should sense Jesus in our presence, that our actions and attitudes should bear witness to our faith. It's a call to be mindful of the influence we exert and to ensure we inspire others towards spiritual growth.

In essence, Dr. Gregory's sermon acts as a wake-up call, gently reminding us of the profound impact we can have on the world when our actions speaker louder than our words. It pushes us beyond mere observers who attend church, urging us to actively nurture environments in our daily lives that are filled with sincere faith. To be of this world, but not in the world.

Navigating our spiritual paths entails embracing Dr. GreGory's sermons as not merely his opinion, but recognizing him as the mouthpiece of God, reaching the members sitting in the pews of Hope Assembly.

As we embrace our roles within our church, let us strive to embody Christ's teachings, emanating love, grace, and compassion in every interaction. This pursuit of Godly conduct and unity will transform our church into a sanctuary of healing, a beacon of signs and wonders. And together, we'll win the lost for Christ, earning our heavenly robes, one thread at a time.

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The commentary on Dr GreGory’s message Sunday is outstanding.

The thing that really resonated with me was the part where he declared that “It only takes one” to disrupt the UNITY. The thought of being asymptomatic (not knowing) and yet bringing our opinions, depression, pessimism, worries, etc into the midst and causing disunity NO!

God wants to do GREATER THINGS if we just “LET HIM”. God bless our Pastor for crying LOUD and SPARING NOT and showing GOD’S people where we need to Get Right. GOD HAS SPOKEN, LET THE CHURCH SAY AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!!!

Unknown member
Jan 09, 2024
Replying to

AMEN! To That Lady of Hope!

We all require inoculation against

the pessimism, being so opinionated,

and the Spirit that works Disunity

Amongst the Saints. The Bible clearly states, The day you hear my voice, harden not your (me myself & I) heart.

The hardened heart syndrome is very real. 🙏🏽


Unknown member
Jan 09, 2024

Earning our heavenly robe,

One thread at a time! GLORIOUS!



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SUNDAYS 11:00am (MST)

Dr. GreGory Wendell, Pastor
13680 W. Auto Drive - Goodyear, AZ 85338

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