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About the Recipe

1 pkg rice noodles 2 - 3 T oil
1 or 2 green bell peppers 1/2 cup water
1 onion or green onions 2 to 3 clove garlic
1/2 bag shredded carrots Diced pork, chicken, beef (your choice)
1/4 cup soy sauce)
1 whole cabbage
Soak noodles in cold water, set aside. Dice vegetables and set aside.
Heat oil hot! Put veggies in and stir fry; let your veggies be done, now,
add meat and stir fry until done. Add cabbage in yet stirring.
Drain the noodles and add to mixture. Stir fry until noodles are somewhat
soft. Lastly, add soy sauce; add more water if noodles get sticky. Serve
with white or brown rice.
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